
watching in horror. loving every minute.
your shy eyes, thick hair, warmth.
enticing, baiting a fish in cool
water to be drawn from
safety to be lain out to die—waiting
to be gutted. why does this happen?
who deserves to be treated this
way? swallow past the lump in my
throat, the fire in my chest,
ice in my veins; tremors in my mind,
heart, my soul. being in existence
pains me without you, devours
me when i’m with you. sweet
cleansing rain does not remove
the stain that is upon me now.
raging waters cannot quench the
flame that burns within me
eternal. stars dance along with
us, twirling forever in your eyes
at the edge of my periphery.
sunlight spills across the quiet,
disturbing ferocious demons
who enfold helpless victims
in their lustful song. clouds
a soft pillow to rest the
weary, useless bodies. hunger
in dreams in waking, haunting
the edges of reality with
tainted surrealism. velvet, silk,
temptations, dancing shadows
barely out of reach. longing, lust,
denial, husks of deeper emotion.
loving every minute of fighting a
tantalizing temptation. watching in
horror as i begin to lose an eternal battle.

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